Don't Throw Away

Leanne P.

  • When my family travels, we always prioritize visiting well-known (and still delicious) restaurants or cafes. This cultivates my love for such desserts and food as I learn to savor every small moment. However, what my parents subconsciously taught me was the monetary value of food as well. I learned to see food as a precious gift rather than taking it for granted. By photoshopping a human face on some of my favorite donuts, it captures how food is a living blessing for me and a present that we should never waste away.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity opened my eyes to new perspectives. As a perfectionist, I have always been stubborn in how I viewed the world and hesitant to change. However, through visual art, it helped me to become more flexible and seek out different points of view.




A Whale Appears! The Joyfulness of Life