A Whale Appears! The Joyfulness of Life

Eugene P.

  • A Whale Appears! The Joyfulness of Life!

    A whale watching trip at the open sea of Long Beach inspires the making of this painting. Sailing at the ocean without a definite direction is like what we frequently experience in life. Sometimes the waves are high, and at other times, the waves are low. The situations are no less than what we face in our lives. Though the end of the sea is invisible, the moment when a whale appears unconsciously from the sea makes us surprisingly pleasant. In our life, we have many wonderful experiences brought in joyfulness as a whale jumping out of the sea. Life is full of joy! Let’s enjoy every sailing in our life journey.

  • Visual art is my close partner which makes my life rich and colorful. Making drawings allows me to put on different lenses looking at the surrounding world. When creating my artwork, I feel happy, optimistic, and embraced by beauty.


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