Day and Night


  • I made a surrealist room with water colors and colored pencil. I first sketched my drawing and then painted everything with watercolors. I then used colored pencils to render the color to show contrast. The main side of the room is where the sun is, I incorporated the things I like to do during the day and made them surreal. For example, I play the piano so the piano is playing music with no one there. I also like to eat watermelon so I made watermelon clouds. There is then a door with a space whirlpool which is there to take you to the other side of the room. Once you flip the piece around its nighttime and the moon is sleeping. I drew a huge rat coming out at night and a bed on the wall so the rat can't reach it. There is a table that has planets moving around it which is supposed to represent the solar system. I tend to drink water at night so that's why I drew an eye crying on the wall filling a cup with water. This room is supposed to show day and night.

  • It impacts my life because it helps me open my mind and relieve stress. Art broadens my perspective in life and helps me express my emotions at certain times. It makes me happy and when I share it with other people it makes them happy as well.



