Crimson Rain Sought Flower

Allison H.

  • During my artwork process I was more focused on creating a cohesive mood and an enigmatic sentiment. This digital art piece was a masked portrait of a web novel character I highly enjoyed reading about, the alluring duality between personality with his loved ones and a drastically contrasting behavior with everyone else, it was incredibly interesting to interpret his actions and words. In many scenes of the book, he had said such meaningful dialogue, some of which really touched me, and inspired me to look at parts of life in a different angle. I dedicate this art piece to Hua Cheng, and I've made an effort to include many inferences and connections through these visuals that tie back to his character: prominent subjects of symbolism such as the silver butterflies, the blood-soaked peony, and the delicate crimson parasol. I paid close attention to the placement and scaling of these subjects and the unity of the colors like the contrast between the red and white. I have attempted with the best of my abilities to produce a bright lighting, strategic placing of shadows, and mirror reflections that could invoke a compelling sensation.

  • When creating art, I chase after my passions. I express my creativity by creating visual arts related to my interests and experiences that bring comfort and joy to my life. I enjoy receiving feedback and advice on techniques to improve the visual and metaphorical meanings of my art.




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