
Emily P.

  • When I first heard about the CYA about a week ago, I was originally determined to create something eye-catching and vibrant- something incredibly creative that would impress. I love exploring how I implement colors into my paintings, and, typically, I do lean towards bright colors. However, as I let my brain go over all the ideas in the back of my head for a few days, I started to get somewhat discouraged. The past few weeks have felt so overwhelming and draining, and painting something that didn't align with those feelings simply felt wrong. I kept attempting to find a beautiful, sparkling picture, of the thousands I've taken, to paint... That was when I found a string of photos I had taken of my cats to share with my boyfriend. The feeling those pictures evoked were extremely comforting; the subtle lighting and the soft textures of the blanket, cats, and towel I had just taken a shower with. I remember feeling extremely exhausted from school. Yet, the atmosphere had felt so light and cozy on that weekend- I had spent most of it in bed, on my laptop watching YouTube. Most days, I try to put my best self forward and present as a bright, happy, energetic young woman. However... the reality is that I don't enjoy that in the slightest; I feel so driven to compete with others and to be noticed that I often forget that expectations are not always ideal. With this piece, I allowed myself to use the soft textures and free lines that make me most comfortable. The depth of the shadows and the soft-edged highlights and lighter areas speak to a slow day- one where I'm allowed to enjoy what entertains me, rather than attempting to prove myself to others.

  • It's a little difficult to explain. Day-to-day life feels incredibly loud to me, and can be constantly overwhelming to say the least. Painting, however, gives me time to unwind; the time to relax, and explore what makes me feel joy and comfort, is what the experience of creativity brings me.


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