By the Shoreline

Tyler P.

  • For as long as I've been exploring my creativity, my artistic process has never been solid or linear. Generally, I take the most time trying to come up with ideas. Sometimes these ideas come from inspiration from other artists, sometimes they come from completely original thoughts(in which case it takes the longest), and sometimes inspiration just strikes(in which case it takes the shortest). After that, it's just a matter of going out on a shoot. I regularly find myself at the mercy of time and weather. I like to shoot at golden hour, so I usually have a very limited time to get my photos. I also like to take my time when shooting, trying to find the right moment to capture. After all is said and done, editing is the quickest step in my process. I find it really easy to get into the zone and hack away on photoshop until my photos are finally complete.

  • Exploring my creativity helps me connect to my community and further define myself as a person. I find photography to be the best way for me to express my creativity because it leads viewers directly into my mind, and see precisely through my eyes.


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