The Stress

Mal P.

  • This photo I took is for a multimedia art project, it shows my desk where I do my homework and study. I spent most of my time there during online classes. I even did online therapy there for a while. Then when I started to go to school in person I felt exhausted. I had to sit there the whole day after school, there were times where I had to attend online classes for SAT prep for 7 hours. I was never able to organize my desk, there would be books and papers lying everywhere, then there were post-its on the wall that were used as reminders. I was exhausted, every day seemed the same to me. The word ' work' repeated in my head every day, every moment. The work at school kept piling up, the stress at home kept piling up. I remember how uncomfortable and toxic that place was. I now moved to a new home, I have a bigger desk, and i don't just sit there to do my work, I can move around more freely and there's much more space. But looking back at this photo made me think how toxic that year was at my school. I'm glad that I overcame that year, and now I feel much more relaxed and free.

  • Creativity helps me think smarter, for situations, it doesn't only have to be art, it could also be for real-life situations. you can think of creative solutions to solve out your problems. And if you ever need to lie about why you couldn't do your French homework to your teacher.


black and white road


By the Shoreline