By Design

Gillian B.

  • Title: By Design

    Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

    Math is a universal truth of creation. Fractals are geometric figures that get infinitely more complex as you zoom in. The Koch snowflake, Mandelbrot set, oscillating graph, and other fractals construct the entirety of the piece. However, at the center of it all is the human person. Without us, who would be the one zooming in and discovering these concepts? Just as coastlines, tree lines, and the very veins beneath our skin grow infinitely complex as you look closer, so does the lived experience of a person.

  • I express my creativity through visual art. Whether I'm sad, angry, or just wanting to get my ideas down, visual art helps me self-regulate. It also helps me relax. Painting and sewing are very repetitive and time consuming, which clears my mind. It is a great benefit to my life.


Portrait of an Old Man

