Tavi G.

  • As a photographer, I am fascinated by color - I'm constantly searching for interesting patterns and new ways to use it. Color is such a huge part of my creative process that I often forget that it is entirely based on perception. Color is our mind's creation, and it may very well be that "reality" and our idea of colors are completely separate.

    For this piece, I combined the fields of meta photography and computer science to deconstruct the way we view color in photographs. First, I wrote a program that could interpret the pixel RGB (red, green, blue) values in an image to create a rough, sketch-like outline of the image in black and white. Without the added color, this sketch represented the ""reality"" of my photos. Then, I wrote a program that could graph complex mathematical equations, filling in the lines of the graph with the original color of the image. The result, after layering both programs, is a reconstructed sketch of the image overlayed by a fleeting, yet captivating reminder of the beautiful color missing from the rest of the image.

    The specific image I uploaded is one I took while on a backpacking trip last summer, which I think perfectly represents the idea behind this project. It's easy to take for granted the beauty and color around us, especially in a color-rich place like the Sierras, where I took the photo. It isn't until color is limited that we remember what a gift it is, and this is what I've tried to do with this piece. It is an incredible privilege to view the world with such beauty.

  • Photography has taught me many lessons that apply to all aspects of my life. It reminds me to be present. It teaches me to be innovative, resourceful, and appreciative of my surroundings. It allows me to discover myself, discover the world, and empower others to do the same.



