

  • In my multimedia class, we were sent outside to go explore our school and take a picture of something to transform. After several days, I felt like I couldn't find anything interesting enough until I sat at a random table. The table had an old, dirty chess board which I knew would turn out into a random, but pretty piece of art. After taking the picture, I worked on it in Photoshop and transformed the image to the point where it didn't seem like a chess board. With the new transformation, the black and white squares don't seem like squares anymore. They seem like clouds versus lighting or darkness versus light. The art is full of so much color and contrast very similar to the outside world.

  • Creativity allows me to express myself outside my own comfort zones. This allows me to stretch myself and my knowledge which contributes to my overall human growth. Art and creativity is essential if we want to move forward as better human beings.


Glenn Rhee


Misery's Slumber Party