When a Boy Loves a Woman

Chelsea R.

  • When a Boy Loves a Woman is a fun and comedic story about a troublesome elementary school kid being in love with his child-hating high school babysitter. I wrote this piece with one of my classmates for a screenwriting competition in my creative writing class. Comedy and romance being some of my favorite genres made a kid being in love with his babysitter the perfect concept. It works well since the boy’s love for the girl is kind of sweet, but at the same time hilariously funny because 7 year olds don’t really know the right way to deal with liking someone, so his childish and very absurd plans to get him to like her all add to the humor.

    This piece was very enjoyable to write, with both a topic and idea I enjoyed very much as well as a format of writing that relied heavily on dialogue and explaining scenes as efficiently as possible. The characters were also quite fun to write with very captivating and quite ridiculous personalities which made it fun when I got them to interact with one another. And since it was my first time writing a screenplay, I’ve become even more excited for what other kinds of scripts I’ll end up writing in the future.

  • Creativity is what you take from the world to then put onto paper.


I’m Sorry I (Don’t) Love You


Red-eye, Red Eyes