
Cal A.

  • I started writing with inspiration from the old, western saloon setting. I wanted to build off of that western world idea, but make it unique in some way while still fitting within the 500 word restriction. I decided to take that saloon setting and apply it to our area, specifically San Francisco around the Gold Rush. The Old Ship Saloon, where the story takes place, is a real saloon in the city which I've seen before. It is the oldest still standing in San Francisco and was around during the Gold Rush. James Marshall, one of the few characters, is the actual man who first discovered gold. I tied in historical elements to make the story more true to my inspirations. The concept of time travel is also very intriguing to me, so playing around with what people would do if they could time travel is entertaining.

  • Creativity, especially in writing, is an incredible outlet from the pressures and stresses of life. The ability to be creative is liberating and is especially important during trying times like those everyone has enduring during COVID.



