Undone and Transitions

Julia B.

  • The piece I chose to submit is two individual poems. They’re very loosely connected, and I didn’t intend for people to view them as a collection, though they have similar themes and motifs. Over the last year or so, I’ve experienced more grief and loss than I ever have all my life. It’s been a really trans formative time for me, and writing has really helped me cope. I wanted to explore my experience with grief and how losing someone can affect your identity and sense of self. Through vivid imagery and surrealism, I express the conflict and harmony between life, death, and rebirth. When it comes to the artist process, I usually come up with a pretty good idea quickly, but I struggle with executing it. I almost always start with pencil on paper, since it’s easier to get all your thoughts on paper and it’s a good way to prevent censoring yourself artistically. Then I type it up, look over it and reverse it, and even ask my friends and teacher what they think. Most of my poems revolve around imagery and less around telling a story in a traditional way. Even if it takes me a while to get started, I always enjoy the process.

  • Creativity means creating something new or revamping something old. It comes from all different types of places and individuals; it's thinking outside the box.


Insomniacs Lament


Ghost Riders in the Sky