Insomniacs Lament

Felix R.

  • My name is Felix R. I’m a Junior at Novato Highschool, and I’m in both the creative writing and theater MSA disciplines. Because of my Insomnia, I often find myself awake at three in the morning, and recently I decided to extend my art into that part of my life. I started writing during those sleep deprived hours, and the pieces I produced were some of my most vulnerable. These poems are designed to put you in the same emotional and mental state I found myself in at the times they were written. Each poem is marked with the date and time of its conception.

  • For me, creativity is a way to channel thought. Whenever I'm feeling intense emotion, or if I'm struggling with a dilemma, I find that writing is the best way to process.


Never Witnin Reach


Undone and Transitions