Two Birds, One Stone

Olivia O. & Natalie N.

  • "Two Birds, One Stone" is a nostalgic story that touches on the naivety of childhood friendships and the crushing reality of growing up and growing apart. This script was created as a collaborative screenwriting assignment in our Creative Writing class. We wanted our script to leave a lasting emotional impact on the reader and focus on the dynamic between childhood friends and dealing with loss. Through the process of writing this screenplay we fell in love with the characters, which allowed us to explore more of their personalities and bring them to life. This screenplay now has a student-produced film adaptation to bring the story to a wider audience. With heart-wrenching dialogue and fast-paced scenes to engage the audience, "Two Birds, One Stone" is a beautiful expression of teenage heartbreak and letting go of your demons.

  • Creativity is expressing yourself and sharing your imagination with the world, despite any resistance from others. Letting people see what you've made and your most vulnerable moments is being creative. Using your dreams as fuel for your art is the highest form of self-expression and innovation.


The Woman Buried the Dead story


sticks and stones