The Brown Leather Jacket

Coleen S.

  • I wrote this piece when I was angry about a person in my life. I struggle to let them go even though I know they will hurt me in the long run. The main character's anger is my anger and when she lets go it's my hopes for the future. I often turn to writing when I feel strong emotions like this. It helps me work through what I'm feeling instead of doing something rash. Sometimes what I create can be hard to read when I look back on it because of the weight of the emotion, but if it can connect with anyone else I try my best to share it.

  • To me creativity means using your emotion to create something that means something to you or others. It means sharing a part of yourself to connect with others. It doesn't have to have a huge impact on others. Or anyone. All that matters is that you, yourself, the creator, feel something about it.


Tea Party


False Poet