Tea Party

Coleen S.

  • My first poem I wrote for a school project in which we were given specific words to write a poem with. It was really fun to put together my different words, and I ended up writing "Tea Party," which criticizes aspects of materialism. Specifically, it focuses on the oftentimes overlooked labor that goes into making certain products, and the self centered nature people frequently have in regards to material items. My second poem is a commentary on the topic of immigrants, and I decided to write it when one day I noticed that sometimes, how we treat certain bugs and animals is not so different from how we may treat people we judge prematurely. I realized that I have not heard anyone think about a wasp's point of view. My third poem I wrote during a difficult time in my life to express myself. I wrote it spontaneously and found that it really helped me get through that time.

  • To me, creativity means expressing the rawest form of oneself and experimenting in different ways to do that. I think being creative dives deep into what makes us human, and it connects people across all different ages, cultures, and backgrounds, and interpretations of a piece.




The Brown Leather Jacket