Stuck Apart

Harper A.

  • I consider myself quite the over thinker, and I find it impossible to turn my brain off because I am constantly worried or thinking ahead. My main priority is reminding myself how important it is to stay in the present and accept whatever comes my way in time. Although this is quite a hefty goal for me, I am able to achieve it through writing. When I find myself so pressured with my thoughts that I am about to explode, I write them down. And just like that I have freed my mind from whatever was burdening it. Writing also allows me to feel pride in what I previously thought were painful or unnecessary thoughts. When I am able to write down my words on paper I can see the beauty of my own mind.

  • To me, creativity is about originality and being true to yourself. Creativity is an expression of your innermost thoughts and feelings. It takes bravery to share your creativity with others and overcome the fear of judgement. The beauty of creativity is that it highlights everyone’s uniqueness.


Blue Bird


13c? Flash Fiction? Letters to Frances