Soft, Serene Sunset

Ariel L.

  • Taken: February 23rd, 2021

    This is a photo of the moon, sunset, trees, and flowers.

    I took this photo from the balcony at my house. Initially, I decided to take a photo of the moon because it was really round. Then, I noticed the beautiful gradient of the sunset and wanted to capture it. Finally, I saw that the flowers in the planter were blooming so I ducked down and angled them into the frame.

    This photo is really special to me because of the process I went through of slowly finding and incorporating more elements into the photo until it reached its final form. It reminds me of the importance of slowing down and seeing everything around me instead of only fixating on a certain aspect. I plan to continue taking photos of the beautiful things around me.

  • Creativity, to me, means allowing all possibilities to be considered without self-restriction. This is especially true for artistic creation but is also necessary for almost any field. It means letting my mind wander to places I otherwise hadn’t considered which is a mindset that requires courage.




Sunset in Ventura