Sunset in Ventura

Ariana B.

  • While on a beach on vacation is Venture, CA, I decided to take some photos of the sunset. I took two; this one, and another with my dad's car as the subject. It was purely accidental that this photo came out so good, and I didn't even need to do much editing. I personally love the photo because it is divided into four sections (top to bottom): the sky, the ocean, the sand, and the rocks. This photo always makes me feel calm and peaceful, and I wanted to share it.

  • It means doing something that you think of that is unique. It means to be inspired from something(s) and to use that inspiration to do another thing. Being creative is taking an idea, either one you consciously or unconsciously know about, and combining it with other things in your brain to create.


Soft, Serene Sunset


stuck in my head