Skylight Frame

Amara C.

  • I like this image because the sky and the sun are contained inside a frame created by the darkness of everything else in this image. I took this at the top of a staircase that was apart of an upper level between buildings. Originally I went upstairs to try and shoot an overhead shot of a fountain but I changed my mind. The sun was shining right into my eyes and it was blinding from its spot in between the tops of the buildings that surrounded the upper level I was in. One of the reasons I like this image is because it wasn’t planned and instead captures a moment in my life, which is not apparent in the actual image itself. For myself, this image serves as a reminder of a memory but to others its an image that you must look at to understand its almost abstract quality.

  • Creativity to me is the ability to make something more then yourself, something meaningful out of your feelings or what you have and being innovative in the process. Expression allows for the exploration of different perspectives and the ability to be creative isn't limited to one form.


Blue Coat

