
Alysha L.

  • Christmas 2021. A time to spend with family and loved ones. Bright festive lights everywhere, and despite the coldness from the rain, the warmth from passersby’s laughter and joyfulness from Christmas carols fill the air. I walked along the wet cobblestone street with my raincoat on, enjoying every lively moment of human connections. People smiled at each other through their facemasks, and saying, “Merry Christmas!” was the simplest yet the sweetest words I have ever heard. Thinking back on how this land of the Happiest Place on Earth started during the Great Depression gives me much to reflect on with our Covid climate. It reminds me to stay positive through the challenging times in life. Just as in this photo, I would not have realized the beautiful reflection of the colorful lights if I had kept my head down to run past the rain. With a creative and positive mindset, we will get through any hardships we encounter and create something meaningful.

  • Creativity is my way of conveying my thoughts and feelings on everyday human connections, and it helps me find my voice and uniqueness. It is my goal to use my creativity to create emotional comfort and positivity for people around me.


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