Blue Coat

Amelia R.

  • When I am taking photos, I always make sure I’m in the right mood and am fully prepared. Being in the right headspace is really important for taking my photos. When I’m in a good mood while taking photos, you can see the effort put into them and they look a lot better overall. Being prepared is also something I need for my artistic process. Having a fully charged camera and all of the right tools is very important. I never know when I'm going to find a great place to take pictures, so it is always great to be prepared by doing this. Something I do while taking my photos is when I'm looking through the camera about to take a picture, I imagine a frame around the photo I’m taking which really helps me get the position of the photo lined up and framed nicely. This helps me a lot because when I get to the point of editing my photos, I don’t have as much cropping and straightening to do. Lastly, something I always keep in mind while taking photos is that it's really important to see beauty in everything.

  • Creativity, to me, is a way to express yourself using freedom. Creativity can be shown in many ways such as the clothes you wear, the art you make, the way you present yourself and many other forms. I express my creativity especially through my photography.


Shortcut to Heaven


Skylight Frame