Shortcut to Heaven

Anais F.

  • I took this picture on a vacation to Quebec, where I was born. I love Old Quebec City with all my heart and I hope to live closer to this city one day. I get lots of inspiration from this historical city and this picture was no exception. This stairway is one of my favorite places I’ve visited in Old Quebec. Not only does it look enchanting and you feel as if you are in a Disney movie walking through it, but at some point, someone put a dummy in between the two building and made it look like they are scaling the wall, it scares many of the tourist who don’t know about it before going up the stairs. If you look close enough in my picture, you can see the dummy’s leg just peak out from in between the archway.

  • Creativity is the way that my brain processes and understands the world. I think that everyone’s creative spirit is different depending on the way your brain is wired and the environment you grew up around. I express myself mostly through writing and writing is almost second nature to me.




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