Shared San Francisco

Chloe C.

  • This photo was taken at a memorial for young people of color killed by police brutality, which happened to occur at the same location and time as a demonstration for the rights of indigenous peoples in America. The girl centered in this photo was there to protest police corruption, while the man to her left was part of a group of Coastal Miwok peoples, who were dancing and speaking at the event. Though this was apparently unplanned, there was a sense of unity and support among complete strangers that I've never seen anywhere else. The attendees shared their grief and their fears, but also their hopes and offers of mutual support.

  • Creativity is an expression of one's experience of reality. It is honest, and even if it is ugly, it is an expression of truth. Sometimes it is painful, sometimes it is joyful, but it is always beautiful. And true creativity is sharing that beautiful, honest piece of humanity with others.


Yellow Rain

