Yellow Rain

Chris M.

  • The artistic process that I have while making my artwork is that I like to take photos of things people would like to see as well as things that I would like to see. I like to add different types of elements into different types of photos such as adding texture to the photo, taking out the noise, as well as playing with the colors in the photos. I also like to take photos of things that need no editing other than a crop, it makes the image feel cleaner when there was no editing needed to make the photo look nice. Something that is a very important part of my creative process is listening to music. It helps me concentrate on trying to think of something to take photos of as well as when editing it helps me concentrate on adding or removing different things from a photo. I would describe my art as different. I have very different types of photos in my collection from environmental to portraits. I'd also describe it as creative. I always try different techniques in my photos.

  • Creativity to me means being able to express yourself in any way possible, in photography for me it's being able to just take photos of anything without having a real reason and later realizing why that scene pulled you in. It's also taking photos for a reason that's important to you.


Under the Bridge


Shared San Francisco