
Charlie F.

  • My creative process is never consistent. I go through different mediums all the time. For painting, I've never actually been in a class, so I guess you could say I'm self taught. I didn't know how to paint realistically for a long time so I would try and end up hiding behind abstraction. You can't do that. So, now I've been teaching myself realism and trying to get better at that. My ceramic process is very close to nature and I refine my own clay as well as make my own glazes, for the most part. When creating something, I either have a sketch/image in mind or I will see what I can come up with without thinking about the piece at all. In other words, I just like having fun with the process. With photography, I try to take pictures of abstract photos, so that I can paint them. It is sort of a contorted take on realism. Other than that, I take a lot of landscape photos and tape a lot for music video footage. I also woodwork. I grew up around carpentry and woodworking because it's one of my dads side passions, along with oil painting. If I have an idea, I will try to execute it. That's pretty much the process. I don't try to think of woodworking ideas, but when one pops up I will usually go for it. So, my creative process is very random and I am satisfied with that.

  • Creativity is something unique and endless in everyone. It is unique and endless in me.


what’s in my head


Shedding Creativity