Going Up

Alison A.N.

  • This image that I chose from my album is a really good artwork piece to me. I really like this image that I took because when you look at the pole it looks like it just keeps on going up in the sky like a never-ending pole. But if you look at the right of the image you can see there is another pole on the side so now you know that the pole does have an end. I also like how the clouds are in the image. They look like a soft and fluffy texture, it makes you want to know how they would feel.

  • Creativity can be seen in many different ways. But the way I see creativity is shapes, when the word first comes to mind. People all have a different way of expressing how they feel and they show it in their own creative way. Creativity is an original thing, like coming up with your own ideas.


Old Rain


Glass Silhouette