Foe Reality

Kaia O.

  • This is a juveinalian satire story that attacks the contribution of social media to serious issues like sex trafficking. The context of the story addresses how easy it is to deceive others from behind a screen. There is an extreme juxtaposition between the reality and the created fantasy through social media. I believe that a screenplay that would later become a film would best reach the desired audience and have a sort of irony in it. This project began as a English research project exploring the question "how has social media aided sex trafficking?". From what I had learned from that research project, I developed a better understanding of the issues with social media in general. I thought a parody of a love story would criticize how some people trust people online too easily. This is a very important topic to me because next year I will be off at college in a new space without the security of my family. It will be easier for me or any of my friends to fall into the trap of the sex trafficking or be so heavily effected mentally by social media. My greatest fear is waking up and having to hear that someone I care about has gone missing. The greatest weapon against this is to spread awareness and understanding.

  • Creativity is the greatest weapon to any situation. In terms of writing, creativity is how you arrange every day words that are used time and time again in a way that impacts the writer.



