Clair de lune by C. Debussy

Blane S.

  • To visualize music in a way that enhances its emotion is a dream that I've had since the moment I picked up a camera and played a note on piano. Sure, I could listen to some tines to chill out, but they always throw my mind into thinking of a scene that would best fit the piece. When it comes to my favorite pieces, it's my biggest desire to do it all the justice I can with a beautiful visual, packed with meaning and passion in every inch. Clair De Lune is that sound. It's that quintessential audio that brings me as much joy and thought as it does sadness and contemplation. I can feel a new texture of it's ever-rich surface with each replay, and I made my undertaking to perform its timeless, pretty face in a way that contains all of the meaning I associate with it. This video is a piece of me, and this song will continue to be the anthem of my heart and soul for as long as I shall hear it.

  • For me, creativity has always been an outlet for my indescribable thoughts. The art I create expresses the emotions I feel, and it reveals the deeper meaning of what I stand for. Honing my creativity is one of the aspects of life that keeps me running, and it's a part of me that is here to stay.


Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 by F. Mendelssohn


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