Three Queens, Three Journeys

Michelle T.


  • In a shared moment of unified celebration, each winner’s expressions tell unique stories. The girl in the middle, the main winner, is astonished and joyful with achieving her dream. The girl on the left is acceptance and a quite pride of her victory. The girl on the right is happy and content, knowing that her victory is a huge accomplishment, but underneath her expression lies a hint of disappointment of how she almost reached the summit. I made sure that in this piece that seemed unified, to highlight how the shared victories are still processed differently. The unification lies in the shared carriage, dresses, and tiaras, but the uniqueness lies in the expression, and small distinct details in the tiaras.

  • Creativity to me lies in analyzing not just monumental, but also everyday moments in our lives and transforming them into something meaningful. My creativity isn’t restricted to analyzing the moments for the one right answer, but for many answers of what each moment could possibly mean to me.




Skeleton in Spring