The Parting Glass
Theo M.
Kazimir W, Brenn F
This is a traditional Celtic folk song, usually sung as a farewell. This version is based on the rendition sung by ”The High Kings”, transcribed by ”derykfrank” on MuseScore, and edited by me. To me it’s the story of a person who has a meaningful life and great people to spend it with, but has a longing: to see the world and find answers to the ever unquenchable questions of life. This longing is in direct contrast with the life that they’ve built. But yet, to explore… to find their passion in life… it wins them over. This song is about giving up their current life to find their true self.
Like a wave, you never know when or how creativity will begin, nor how it will look when it lands on the shore for the world to see. Even if you start with only a tiny idea, the further you follow it the bigger your idea and wave become.