The Hairdressers

Solika M.

  • Being a teenage girl is difficul: society tends to hate teenage girls and their interests, puberty and hormones being to make you feel crazy, and the innocence of childhood killed by catcalls on the street. “The Hairdressers” explores how beauty standards effect an adolescent girl and what feeling “beautiful” truly means. Exposing your insecurities and the culture gaps between your family is an emotionally draining and difficult process. Combined with the 500 word limit, I struggled to find the perfect phrases to encapsulate my emotions. Growing up is frustrating and letting go of the notion that I will never love my body as I did when I was a child is heartbreaking. However, as I grow taller and my ever-growing opinions on my body gets longer, I will work to better myself until there is an end the misery.

  • To me, creativity means drawing from your environment and making something beautiful. The Bay Area, full of tech start-ups and research facilities, can feel cold for creatives, but I find that some of the most amazing artists can manipulate their situations to create thought-provoking pieces.


Poems of Heartbreak


Where is home?