Stabbing Suppression

Aahana S.

Pencil, Color Pencil

  • My artwork is meant to depict the pain suppressing emotion brings, the burning feelings inside that bubble up and unknowingly spilled out in private, despite whatever facades one puts on in public. I intentionally made the woman’s face expressionless, one eye holding brightness while the other is blank to illustrate the remnants of the facade, and the bloody tear being the painful emotion leaking out against her will; her hair is messy and wild purposefully to demonstrate her emotional state, the same applying to the chaotic background.

  • Creativity for me is the ability to communicate how mine and others’ feelings through art, whether it be writing, drawing, or painting. It’s also a vital part that helps me deal with tough times, as the ability to be creative is also the ability to channel out what’s inside.


An Algerian Scene


Grumpy Octopus