Outside of a Peanut’s Soil
Sophie C.
Clay, paper, acrylic, wood
As a creative, representing different topics in a unique way is an essential part of my works. The peanut, which in Chinese mythology and dreams represents exploration and creativity, was the perfect artifact to be used as a personification for myself — the idea of the journey to thinking outside of the box. The tree growing out of the peanut character’s head embodies the growth of ideas and the effort it takes to grow a flourishing tree of creative concepts. The root reaching out to the dirt outside of its circular plane represents reaching out to irregular places in order to continue to nurture my ideas. And using the dirt taken from my art studio’s own yard, is added to communicate a more profound and grounding element to the visual.
Creativity means to find new ways to visually represent emotions, processes, and relationships. It also means to find unique ways to solve any problems along the way and see how one can best use all materials on hand to their maximum.