Never Enough

Ryan Z.

Colored Pencil, Binder Paper, Pen

  • One day when I snapped on the TV, I heard an analyst speak about how a certain athlete was a “fraud,” and didn’t deserve success. That shook me, as I had heard many of those words from others talking about my friends at school swim meets, and was disgusted. I couldn’t imagine how difficult it must be for athletes to bear these public attacks. This piece depicts a young athlete, who, after many failures in his track career, has been cast away. All he hears is mainstream sports journalists and people on social media calling him a failure, saying he’s not enough and will never be enough to achieve success.

  • Creativity means being able to explore different mediums and going out of your comfort zone. It also means branching out and exploring a diverse array of subjects and mediums.


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La Victime Parfaite