Glow Up, Grow Up

Meghna C.

Gouache, colored pencil

  • Glow Up, Grow Up is an 18” x 24” gouache and colored pencil piece. The piece explores the evolution of my self image. My composition was created from observation in a mirror, so I could analyze all my features without posing for a camera. I always watched my mom putting lipstick on every morning as a kid and it became a symbol of maturity for me. As I grew up and started to put on makeup, lipstick was the one item that made me feel like a “grown-up.” I wanted to depict that feeling of confidence that I gained from putting on lipstick while also acknowledging all my true features.

  • Creativity is the ability to think beyond convention and to express my identity and views. Expressing your true self authentically and sending out your message is essential to producing creative work. It is the potential to progress past the boxes we are all put into is what makes someone creative.


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