Fallen Warrior
Aiden D.
micron pen on orange paper
This art piece depicts a double-crested cormorant entangled in a discarded plastic six-pack ring, struggling at the water’s surface. The cormorant, once a sleek and agile hunter, now finds itself shackled to the plastic, which has become a permanent fixture of its existence. Scattered water droplets from the desperate splashing illustrate a creature fighting to survive in a world where pollution has flooded into the natural waterways. The grim expression on the cormorant’s face, combined with the contrast of the wings’ shadows, emphasizes the bird’s growing hopelessness. In this piece, each pen stroke is permanent, much like the pollution that makes its way into the environment, causing harm to any animals that encounter it. The heavy orange background symbolizes a suffocating, polluted world caused by humans. This piece addresses how pollution and habitat degradation negatively impacts wildlife.
Creativity is a space where you can channel your emotions to create something powerful. It challenges the limits of what you can do, pushing the boundaries of possibility and allowing you to explore new opportunities and express your ideas in meaningful ways.