Eggsciting Times Ahead!
Zane V.
Acrylic, metal
Time flies. So, as it turns out, do chickens. This clock is a reminder that even if we think the egg came first, we also have to consider what comes next. When wondering about the origin of the universe and where it is headed, I created this piece to offer a real-time (pun intended) representation of how I feel about the future. Is this egg raw and full of potential (like me), or is it cooked and about to get eaten (also me)? The interaction between the viewer and the art will inform this fleeting answer, which will change - over time. I designed the egg on Adobe Illustrator and used an 80-watt Epilog laser cutter with 1/8 inch white and yellow acrylic for the final process.
I enjoy physics and math as they overlap with art, because raw materials and machining tools allow me to express myself using calculations. Although drafting mistakes are intimidating, it is the space between drafts that is most exciting and fun, when I get to use my creativity as potential energy.