Block Poem Inspired by Emily Dickinson

Izzy B.

  • Emily Dickinson is a great inspiration to me, and I recently was drawn to her poem ”In this short Life that only lasts an hour.” Ultimately, I decided to expand upon her theme of the transitory nature of life through experimenting with different forms and stylistic choices that I had not previously attempted. As a tribute to Dickinson, I took her trademark use of dashes for pacing to the extreme, using many as a means of structuring the otherwise unstructured block form. The result of this choice synthesized with the form of block poetry is intended to convey the frenzied tone of a speaker that is deeply distressed about the significance, or possible insignificance, of their life.

  • Creativity is a phenomenon beginning with inspiration, the same, to me, as revelation. The opportunity to turn a beautiful idea, granted by God, into a tangible work of art to be shared with others is a small miracle for which I am eternally grateful.


Fear of Reminders


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