Big Girl Shoes
Bea D.
watercolor, macron pen, white gouache +paint pen
At one point, every kid stands up from their toys for the last time. Iām unsure why we feel the desire to stop playing with our toys, I find it a simple yet crucial part of growing older. As a high school student, a lot of my thoughts surround the prospect of growing up and moving on to adulthood. I wanted to capture all those toys I remember cherishing as a child, being slowly forgotten under the shoes I used to wear around that time. This piece is not shaming this action but is meant to inspire nostalgia for all the things one used to love. I hope a lot of teens remember some of these exact toys from the late 2000s and can appreciate a simple moment of growing up, pausing from broader fears that the future holds.
Creativity is how a person displays their individuality by forming and executing new ideas and applying them to a certain medium, act of self-expression, or way of thought. For painting, I feel the most creative when my art is derived from a personal realization or reflection.