Waiting Room

Odysseus G. & Giacomo T.

  • The inspiration for Waiting Room hit me the moment I stepped into the cold home of SF Art and Film. This small room on 540 Alabama Street seemed like the perfect place to make a thoughtful and unsettling short film. Watching Castaway, and The Martian got me thinking about what happens when someone is trapped without human contact. What do they do to entertain themselves? What do they think about? My film explores these questions. I had always wanted to create a film that required thinking. I remember watching a collection of Pixar short films including Bao. I loved the thoughtfulness of them. Why did the character do this? What was the character thinking? What was the director thinking? Why did they choose this angle specifically? These were the kinds of questions I wanted my audience to have. One of the biggest challenges during the making of Waiting Room was varying the cinematography. The entire movie is filmed in the same room, so it was crucial to include a variety of shots. I used multiple lenses, ladders, and tripod configurations to achieve this. Originally, the main character was going to wander through endless hallways and identical doors until he gave up trying to find his way out. The difficulty of finding a suitable location made me rethink. Maybe having the character stay in the same space for the duration of the movie could more easily achieve a feeling of hopelessness.

  • Creativity is the pile of legos that almost resembles a house

    Creativity is saying floccinaucinihilipilification instead of useless

    Creativity is making a sand castle on the beach

    Creativity is disabling your delete key when you are writing

    Creativity is selecting the perfect emoji

    Creativity is fitting this into fifty words


With your needle and thread / The Woman Who Molded My Heart

