Under the Surface

CONTENT WARNING: This artwork contains or explores content that touches on any of the following topics: abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, verbal); aspects of psychology and mental health and contains depictions of self-harm, substance abuse, eating disorders, or suicide; swears or curses; hurtful or hateful language; discrimination (race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation); aspects of pregnancy; blood, violence, assault, kidnapping, trauma, or dying. Please read or view with care.


Angel M.

Acrylic and acrylic pen on canvas

  • This piece is about the concept of not being able to ever truly know someone. No matter how long you may have known your spouse, friend, or relative there will always be a part of them that you, as an outsider, can never understand. I believe that women can relate to this concept the most because throughout history women have been resigned to an outlet for the sexual desires of others or a tool for reproduction. The figure in this piece represents how women are scene by society, ie. void of personality, and the pink abstraction at the top of the piece represents the complex world of women's thoughts, emotions, and soul which can never be seen through objectification.

  • Creativity means having an outlet for my emotions, being creative is my favorite way to cope with the stress and responsibilities that come with being a teenager, and I can always rely on my art to take my mind off anything that I am worrying about.


The New Cycle


The Woman Warped