under constr/ction

Henry C.

Collage, acrylic paint, spray paint, paint pens

  • This piece was influenced by my research into psychogeography, which describes the effect of an environment on the emotions of its inhabitants, as well as my research into early highway planning committees in the US and how destructive their policies were to urban spaces. Personal experience directly shaped my work, as it was an exploration of my relationship with public transit in contrast to my relationship with highway transit and how the two differed. The materials and techniques seen were used to create the feeling of recognition, that you could see or have seen this on a construction site or on a walk through the city. Artists that inspired my work were Guy Debord and Asger Jorn, whose work dealt with mapping spaces through feel during the situationist movement in late 1950s France. Sarah Szes was another artist whose work inspired this piece, specifically her work Blueprint for a Landscape, which focused on what a subway stop represented to the different people passing through.

  • Creating is an important process for me, it allows me to express my feelings and thoughts physically in a way that is accessible to myself and others. Being creative means spending time with myself and reflecting in ways not always accessible in daily life.


Under the Sea

