
Hannah O.

Digital Art

  • This piece was made to convey how it feels to have your emotions bottled up inside. Specifically, anger. Years of not being allowed to express any anger leads to struggling to regulate emotions. In this piece, it can be seen that there was an attempt at maintaining composure with the hair tucked behind the ear, however the messiness of the hair portrays clear struggle in staying calm. The hand on the face represents the aching need to scream but choosing to hold it in, as it's gripping the face and not the hair. The white noise that is seen throughout the entire piece is the thoughts that run around inside the mind, angry thoughts and thoughts that are intrusive. (Keep in mind that while this piece may conduct concern towards the artist, worry not as this was made through looking back at past experiences and emotions, so it is inaccurate to their current emotional state, however still representative of them).

  • Creativity means being able to express yourself. Whether it be your interests, your emotional well-being, your sexual orientation, gender identity, or ethnicity, it can all be done through art.


under constr/ction


Two Cats in One Car