Tyler Okonma

Kayla V.

Pencil on Paper

  • Even if I don’t have time for art in months because of school, I never love it more than when my hands are gray with graphite or colorful with paint. This is my very first realistic portrait as a traditional artist who’s been drawing since I was very small, which makes it very special to me. The man in the drawing is Tyler Okonma, known professionally as Tyler the Creator, and he is one of my best inspirations as an artist. His new wave of aesthetics and fashion was unique in the hiphop and rap scene, with his colorful pastel, odd, yet classy appeal and expression of his queer identity. Tyler often features portrayals of BIPOC in the typical European luxury in his music videos and clothing brand, he uses his music as an outlet of his creative and personal identity as an African American and a queer man in a typically homophobic environment to empower him and others around him. I associate some of my fondest memories with my friends with his music. I used to listen to him on walks home with my closest friends blended with the sound of our laughter. I never love it more than when his instrumentals, intermixed with classical music and his lyrical anecdotes fill my ears when drawing. I chose to draw him because of my admiration for him, his bravery, and how truly inspirational he has been in recent years.

  • Creativity is an extension of your physical self, your thoughts, an expression of the soul. Creativity, because it is the expression of your identity, makes all sorts of different things come to life. My creativity is a physical extension of my interests, what I love, and what I find beautiful.



