To Walk Under the Umbrella

Nandika T.

Digital art on procreate

  • To walk under the umbrella is a piece I connect deeply to. The girl walks in a world of gloom and a downpour of rain, under her own little pocket of warmth. Underneath the umbrella, away from the rain and staring eyes of the world, she can be anything she wants to be. Her world can be as magical as she can imagine it. An umbrella signifies protection, as the shade of her umbrella takes her to a world where she can be herself and better. Her bright and warm colors overpower the darkness and gloom that surrounds her, pushing aside the murky feelings and pain that come from the real world. I’ve felt the pain and anger that comes from hearing other’s scathing words, and often wished that I could push away the words that torment me late in the night. This painting is the embodiment of the peace I wish I could feel.

  • I wouldn’t be able to bear the the constant lull of daily life without my creativity to add pops color into the cracks. Creativity in my art is putting a touch of me to my work. I am someone completely unique, and that drop of extraordinary makes my work creative.


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