tiny people

Kayla L.

  • I took this photo during a school trip to coastal Oregon. I had never been before, so I was so excited to bring my camera and take photos! On the last day of the trip, we went to Multnomah Falls to see the Benson Footbridge, a popular destination. Though the bridge was beautiful, I was fascinated more by the view while standing on it and looking down. I shot this photo on my 85mm prime lens, so there the view from up top is “zoomed in” in my photo; in reality, everything below was even smaller. As both a photographer and environmentalist, seeing different people at peace in nature gave me a sense of immense joy: my motivation to take this photo. Every time I look at this photo, I pause as my mind runs wild, inventing backstories for each tiny person—visor-lady on the bench, the brown-jacketed person standing alone very far back, the family of hikers, and others. I hope this photo encourages others to have fun doing the same!

  • To me, creativity is the solution to any problem—no matter the size. The act of creating something new and out-of-the-box should be perceived as powerful and exciting, never threatening.




Snowy Summer Mountains