Snowy Summer Mountains

Kevin L.

  • Creativity isn’t something you can force on yourself but rather something that your subconscious mind sees that you don’t. It is within nature that you begin to notice the small details such as the light, plants, and animals that roam around you. Within nature photographs, a journey takes place in which the artist walks for hours to find a perfect view of nature and scenery. Waiting for the right moment for an animal to show up and to complete the puzzle. Throughout the hike with the exhaustion involved the top is the only thing you can focus on reaching. Not even caring about the low water supply you have just have a feeling to make it to the top and see what was hidden. I’ve been searching for the right photo to snap a photo and on this trip to Sequoia it took three days just to find this view. In the middle of the forest, only the birds chirp hearing only your breath as you walk up the hills.

  • Creativity isn’t something you can force on yourself but rather something that your subconscious mind sees that you don’t. It's a medium used to show the images you visualize in your mind that you can't even explain.


tiny people


Lightning Man