Soaring of the Pelicans

Jacob S.

  • My photo of these Pelicans to me, at least, represents life soaring by and nostalgia. The slight motion blur on the pelicans wings symbolizes how I can catch a glimpse of beautiful moments, but am never able to fully realize it until later when I think back on it in my head. Finally, the black and white of this photo shows how simplistic anything can be while still evoking so much emotion, in this case, a sense of nostalgia. I took this photo at the bolinas lagoon in early october, a hotspot for pelicans feeding and migrating. I knew that October was the start of the migration season for pelicans so I decided to try and take pictures of them. Getting up early in the morning, I sat outside in the whipping wind and cold for hours, hoping to get the best shot I could. When I left after 6 hours, I travelled back home to edit the pictures I had taken. When I saw this one, it immediately caught my eye. I loved the composition of the focused beak pointing to the other pelicans flying. So, I decided that this photo should be black and white, representing the simplicity of the photo.

  • I believe I can use creativity as an outlet for freedom. When I feel stuck in the loop of school or am studying inside all day, taking pictures is an excellent way for me to get outside, and enjoy life.




Double Stare